Spiritual Mindset Coach

About Jennifer Kupcho


Jennifer Kupcho is a Spiritual Mindset Mentor and Emergence Coach for Women. Jennifer is dedicated to coaching women and developing self-study programs rooted in spirituality, drawing inspiration from renowned teachings such as A Course in Miracles, Marianne Williamson, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Deepak Chopra, among others. Through her guidance, Jennifer helps women identify and overcome the barriers hindering them from embracing a life filled with love and happiness.

Jennifer Kupcho specializes in Emergence Coaching for women transitioning into midlife and menopause, focusing on identity and purpose in career and relationships. Unique approach combines spirituality and mindset work to rediscover true selves, unlock purpose, and create fulfillment.

“When joy is non-negotiable, enlightenment is your reward!”  

Jennifer has an authentic belief that happiness is your birthright and you are meant to live a life in Authentic Splendor.  Jennifer's journey to enlightenment was paved with life's challenges, leading her to a profound realization. Previously plagued by anxiety, pain, and fear, she now stands as a beacon of empowerment for women. Having traversed her own path of transformation, Jennifer shares wisdom born from personal experience. Her spiritual toolbox brims with practices like EFT tapping, essential oils, meditation, yoga, journaling, and daily personal development rituals, complemented by regular sessions with her trusted zone healer/coach. What were once panic-filled days have blossomed into a life of balance. alignment, gratitude, love, and joy.

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Jennifer’s Journey

While I wish I could paint a picture of days filled solely with positivity, the reality is quite different. For much of my life, I faced internal struggles that overshadowed the love and support of my family. Let me clarify, my family has always been a source of love and encouragement. There were no traumatic events or sudden shifts to blame. Yet, despite their unwavering care, I found myself trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, unable to fully accept the affection and admiration they offered.

For much of my life I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I suffered from chronic migraines from the age of seven. In elementary school I thought everyone felt a deep-rooted sense of panic as they walked into school each day; sights and sounds overwhelming them. In middle school and high school I thought it was normal to feel like I might just pass out from the lack of oxygen to my lungs; like someone was sitting on my chest. In college I thought it was normal to feel like I was going to crawl out of my skin... like I couldn’t move fast enough to outrun the demons in my head; to have fears about EVERYTHING. After I had my first child I thought all new mothers felt like they were losing their minds, cried ALL the time and couldn’t think a coherent thought. I didn’t know what I didn’t know, until I received help in knowing. Until I realized I had postpartum depression and sought out treatment.

I was in a holding pattern for many years in my journey to enlightenment. My journey started up again and the barriers finally started coming down about ten years ago. The Universe started me on my journey of self-discovery in a very unexpected way. At the time my son, Jordan, was eight years old and was having a very difficult time in third grade. Two years prior we had him tested at Hackensack Children’s Hospital in NJ and he was diagnosed with ADHD and an auditory processing disorder.

Having two degrees, one in Special Education and my Master’s in Deaf Education, you would think I would be prepared for the challenge. Truth, I was nowhere near as prepared as I thought I would be. There is a world of difference between teaching children who have special needs and being the mother of a child with special needs.

Looking for answers and keeping an open mind, we followed the school’s suggestion to take my son to see a Cognitive Behavior Therapist. Since he was so young, I went with him to all his sessions. Little did I know that was the Universe’s way of opening the door and coaxing me in. To begin my journey to enlightenment.

Before we started his first session the therapist met with my husband and I to go through our family history. As we went through both our sides of our family, I had no problem pointing out people in our lives who I viewed as being anxious. And guess what? I never made that list. Again, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

I spent the next year sitting through a session a week with my son listening to the therapist talk with Jordan. I watched closely for any progress he made, praised him, supported him, loved him….but still I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Those sessions were as much about me as they were about him.

It was our second to last session when she was talking about his anxious nail biting habit and asking him about his anxiety related to walking into school each day. Suddenly, as they were talking I began to feel a little lightheaded and heard a loud ringing in my ears. It was like deja vu listening to Jordan share about his anxious feelings going to school. I thought to myself, “This is normal, Jen. Everyone feels like that inside. He just has to figure out how to deal with it.” But at the same time, after a year of Jordan’s counseling, for the very first time in my life a voice in my head said, “No, Jen. This is not normal.” And before I could stop myself from speaking out loud, I startled myself by interrupting and asking, “Wait. You mean not everyone feels like their heart is going to burst out of their chest as they enter school everyday?” I don’t know who was more surprised by my question, Jordan or me. But the therapist didn’t miss a beat. She looked at me with such loving eyes and simply said, “No dear. They don’t, ” and continued to gaze at me with a smile so genuine it reached her eyes. She could read on my face what that moment meant for me. She opened the window and let the light shine in.


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It was at that very moment that I was finished with not knowing what I didn’t know. I finally knew. And with the knowing came a new sense of empowerment to continue to learn more. To continue to tear down the barriers keeping my body, mind and spirit from living a life of joy and love and happiness. Finally I could leave fear behind.

That year both Jordan and mommy graduated their sessions together, ready to set out on life’s journey!

Since then, it has been a ten year journey of continuing to learn and fill my spiritual toolbox with the tools I needed to be able to end my cycle of anti-seizure medication for daily migraines and antidepressant medication, as well as the the release of anxiety attacks.  My enlightenment continues as I break through my barriers with the help of my own personal coach, coaching courses and personal development reading.

Each moment I surrender, the Universe is able to deliver its message to me through bringing the perfect mentors into my life, introducing me to new authors, new clients, new coaches, courses and paths to follow.

When I opened my mind and released my fears through surrender, I received my new purpose; to coach other women to embrace their fears, be enlightened and break through their self-constructed barriers as I had done. I was no longer trapped and it was time for the student to become the teacher and guide other women to do the same.  

One by one, doors began to open. I set myself on the path of discovery and the Universe did not disappoint. It presented me with the right teachers, coaches, tools and courses to stop living in DIS-ease and starting living in EASE. Three years ago, through continued courses and training, I began to coach other women to release their blocks, check in with their belief systems, shed what they no longer needed to step into their new skin.

All my coaching is spiritually centered. Some people say God, others say Universe or Buddha or Jesus. The name is not important. The energy is the same. The common thread is the same. 

I center my coaching on ACIM: A Course in Miracles. A miracle in its simplest form is a shift in perception. I work with women to shift their mindset about a situation or circumstance, thus receiving a miracle. I can’t imagine how could life be any better!

I get to surround myself with beautiful souls and lightworkers and coach women to learn and live through miracle-mindedness!


And just as there are no mistakes in the Universe...there is no mistake about you landing here on my page. I am so happy we are here together because it means you have listened to your inner guide and are ready to take an exciting and life-changing journey together.

Landing here will open doors for you. Whether you are living a life of DIS-ease, or simply feeling you are meant for more than mediocrity and complacency, I will guide you to the enlightenment that has been waiting for you.

“Nothing fantastic happens in your comfort zone. It is time to get comfortably uncomfortable.”

I mentor women to step out of the content and step into their brilliant power to live an authentically splendorous life. I help them regain their balance and alignment to live happily, successfully and purposefully again. I connect them with their power and give them the spiritual mindset tools they need to regain the knowledge they've always had within them; to tear down their barriers and to live in a high and gloriously vibration.

Today you have awakened; no more sleepwalking through life.

Today is your day to start living through an abundance of love.

Today marks day one of a life lived in Authentic Splendor!


Much love,

